Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents can cause devastating injuries alongside financial burdens. In such situations, many motorcyclists rely on their insurance coverage to assist with medical expenses, property damage, and other related costs. However, insurance companies often employ tactics to avoid paying the full compensation motorcyclists deserve. We will discuss five common tactics insurance companies use to evade their financial responsibilities following a motorcycle accident. Understanding these tactics can help riders protect their rights and navigate the claims process more effectively.

1. Blaming the Motorcyclist

It’s a common tactic to shift blame onto the motorcyclist as a way to avoid paying. They may argue that the motorcyclist was riding recklessly, speeding, or violating traffic laws, thus placing the fault entirely or partially on the rider. Insurance adjusters might use biased investigations or selectively interpret evidence to support their arguments. It is crucial for motorcyclists to gather as much evidence as possible, such as witness statements, photos, and police reports, to counteract these claims.

2. Underestimating Damages and Injuries

Undervaluing the injuries or damages following a motorcycle accident is another tactic insurance companies can use. They may downplay the severity of injuries or argue that the damages are less significant than claimed. Insurance adjusters often use tactics such as relying on low-cost repair estimates or medical opinions from their own doctors, who may downplay the long-term impact of injuries. Motorcyclists should seek independent medical evaluations and gather comprehensive documentation of their injuries, medical bills, and other expenses to accurately demonstrate the extent of their damages.

3. Delays and Procedural Hurdles

Insurance companies may purposely delay the claims process or create unnecessary procedural hurdles to frustrate claimants and deter them from pursuing their rightful compensation. Lengthy investigations, excessive paperwork, and repeated requests for additional documentation are common tactics used to drag out the process. Doing so can cause financial burdens for motorcyclists and their families, especially when it comes to mounting medical debt. It is crucial for claimants to stay organized, maintain clear communication, and document all interactions with the insurance company to ensure a smooth and timely resolution.

4. Pre-existing Condition Arguments

Insurance companies often exploit pre-existing conditions to deny or devalue a motorcycle accident claim. They may argue that the injuries sustained were not a result of the accident but instead a pre-existing condition aggravated by the collision. Motorcyclists must be transparent about any pre-existing conditions and consult with medical professionals to establish a clear connection between the accident and their injuries. Obtaining medical records and expert opinions can help counter the insurance company’s attempts to dismiss or minimize their claims.

5. Settlement Offers Far Below Fair Value

Offering a quick settlement that undervalues what a victim might be entitled to is the last tactic we’ll explore. These initial offers are often designed to take advantage of the claimant’s vulnerability and lack of knowledge regarding the true worth of their case. Motorcyclists should never accept the first settlement offer without consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney. An attorney can assess the true value of the claim, negotiate on the claimant’s behalf, and ensure they receive fair compensation for their losses.

Motorcycle accident victims must be aware of the tactics insurance companies commonly employ to avoid paying the full compensation they deserve. By understanding these tactics and seeking a motorcycle accident lawyer, motorcyclists can protect their rights and navigate the claims process more effectively. Gathering strong evidence, obtaining independent medical evaluations, staying organized, and consulting with experienced legal guidance are essential steps to counteract the insurance company’s strategies, something our friends at Council & Associates, LLC agree with!