Fire Accident Lawyer
If you have recently suffered burns and/or injuries from smoke inhalation due to fire-related circumstances, you may understandably be wondering what your legal options are. The answer to that question is dependent upon the circumstances that led to your harm. Generally speaking, you’re likely in a strong position to pursue compensation if your injuries were work-related, if the fire is a situation covered by your homeowner’s policy or renter’s insurance policy, or if another’s negligence, recklessness, or intentionally dangerous conduct directly contributed to the cause(s) of your harm.
Workers’ Compensation Benefits
If you’re classified as a full-time or part-time employee (or you’re an independent contractor who should rightfully be classified as an employee), you’re almost certainly entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits if you sustain work-related harm. Pursuing workers’ compensation benefits is a very time-sensitive process, so if your fire-related injury occurred while you were engaging in work-related activities, do not wait to speak with a construction accident lawyer about securing this valuable form of compensation.
Personal Injury Damages
As an experienced fire accident lawyer can explain in greater detail, burn victims and victims of smoke-related injuries are often well-positioned to sue responsible parties for damages related to their harm. A successful personal injury lawsuit will likely result in both an economic injury award and a non-economic injury award. Economic damages are relatively easy to calculate and stem from objective losses, such as medical bills and lost wages. Non-economic damages are harder to calculate and stem from subjective losses, such as pain and suffering.
Depending upon the nature of your case, you could be in a position to sue an individual, a company, or multiple parties. Commonly named defendants in fire cases include building managers, manufacturers of defective products (such as water heaters and wiring), and even municipalities. Once an attorney has been given the opportunity to thoroughly assess your case, they’ll be able to explain who you’re in a position to sue and what the estimated value of your case is.
Don’t shy away from exploring your options if you’re partially to blame for what happened to you, it doesn’t limit an injury victim’s ability to sue simply because they shoulder some of the fault for what occurred.
Insurance Settlement
If a fire occurred at your place of residence, any property damage you may have suffered may be covered by your homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance policy. Depending upon the terms of the policy, your medical bills and other related costs may be covered to a specific degree or in-full as well. If you need help deciphering the terms of your policy and/or help negotiating a fair settlement amount with your insurance company, don’t hesitate to ask an experienced attorney for advice. Insurance companies are for-profit enterprises and may pay you less than you deserve if they can get away with doing so. Having an experienced lawyer on your side will mitigate the likelihood of that risk.
Cohen Injury Law Group offers free consultations to discuss your case, answer your questions, and explain your legal options.